Author: admin

  • Popular Cruise Spots for 2024

    Popular Cruise Spots for 2024

    If you’re feeling restless this summer and need to get out of the house, but you don’t think going for a scenic drive in a new 2019 Volvo XC40 is going to put the right amount of wind in your sail, then perhaps you should consider one of these five popular cruise locations for 2018!…

  • UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Danger: Visit Them before They’re Gone

    UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Danger: Visit Them before They’re Gone

    According to its official website, UNESCO or the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization is a specialized agency with the mission to build defenses of peace in the minds of men. Furthermore, to help preserve and conserve Mother Nature is one of the organization’s goals, which is why it has come up with a…

  • Journey to Don Zante

    Journey to Don Zante



    No matter how many times I blinked, I couldn’t clear the fog from my vision to see the hulking mass that was barreling toward me. Six foot waves were closing in on us from the right side of our kayak. “Turn your paddle into the wave!” cried Maggie. She was the only guide in our…

  • Finnish Food: Typical Finnish Dishes and Ingredients

    Finnish Food: Typical Finnish Dishes and Ingredients



    Are you looking for information regarding typical Finnish food? Do you want to discover the typical dishes and ingredients of Finnish gastronomy on your next trip? If so, you have arrived at the right place. The gastronomy of Finland is a pleasant surprise to anyone venturing to explore the northern area of Europe. We could say…

  • 10 Natural Wonders of Hawai’i

    10 Natural Wonders of Hawai’i



    There are very few places in the world that boast the number of natural wonders that Hawai’i have. Starting from one of the most active volcanoes in the world to the world’s highest mountain on the sea level, there is the embarrassment of choice. Here we’ve listed 10 natural wonders of Hawai’i islands which will…

  • 6 Things to Do for Free in Dubai

    6 Things to Do for Free in Dubai

    We all know that Dubai is a very expensive destination. The main centre of the United Arab Emirates is the mecca of shopping, and the colossal shopping venues are the true mosques of this cosmopolitan enclave. If you want to live the real Dubai life style, you need money, a bunch of money. However, what…

  • Climbing Kilimanjaro – The World’s Most Accessible Summit

    Climbing Kilimanjaro – The World’s Most Accessible Summit

    Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest freestanding mountain in the world. Any reasonably strong and ambitious person is bound to conquer it. Snow-capped Kilimanjaro, floating above the clouds is no doubt one of the most beautiful and impressive sights in the natural world. Even hard-boiled non-believers, in their unguarded moments, empathise with the Maasai who call…

  • Things to Do in Kenya

    Things to Do in Kenya

    Known for her amazing tourism destinations and producing some of the fastest runners in the world, the Republic of Kenya is one fascinating country. Kenya covers an area of about 224,081 square miles and is bordered by Uganda to the West, South Sudan to the northwest, Somali to the East, Ethiopia to the North, Tanzania…

  • Top Trips of a Lifetime to Take in 2024

    Top Trips of a Lifetime to Take in 2024

    What’s your idea of a trip of a lifetime? Is there one location you’ve always wanted to visit or a particular activity that remains top of your ‘must-do’ list? For me it’s got to be the chance to follow the trail taken by Che Guervara on his famous motorcycle tour of South America. The descriptions…

  • Machu Picchu: What’s the big deal?

    Machu Picchu: What’s the big deal?

    When anyone sees Machu Picchu for the first time, the question that begs to be asked is: ‘what’s the big deal?’ At first glance, Machu Picchu is no more impressive than many European churches or universities built around the same time. However, most people refrain from verbalizing this observation and instead join the choir of…